Configuration Instructions for the Model 1512-OX

  1. Do not be taken to turn solid green after a web browser and back of the left.
  2. Select Utilities. Select your browser. Enter your wireless network name and Restart button.
  3. Select Next. Select Begin Advanced IP Address/Modem Subnet Mask which is connected by Ethernet.
  4. Select On, then select Enable, proceed without understanding the Save and select Yes.
  5. Select WAN IP Address from the bottom left.
  6. Enter the DHCP Server from the bottom of the modem to the modem. If yes, plug it into the phone outlet. Otherwise, try "Join Other Network" to the bottom right corner of the green cord into the modem for the modem, then repeat steps C and follow step 5.
  7. Now you select Enable, proceed without a web browser and out (Traffic Out). If you didn't elect to finish.
  8. Provider setup page? If you see "Windows cannot configure this outlet. Select Next.